I’m nearly half way through a year long program to cultivate mental toughness. Throughout the year there are different tasks to do to develop resilience, perseverance, strength and wisdom. One of the tasks, 5 minute cold showers.
EVERY day for the past 30 days I have turned the dial to the coldest setting and stood under the running water for 5 whole minutes. Most mornings I bathed to Queen’s “Bohemiam Rhapsody” on full ball stomping my feet and singing aloud to pass the time.
I didn’t want to do it, and to be honest, I didn’t think I could – I despise cold water!
I committed, set my mind (and my timer) and got it done.
It was tough, some days, really tough, but I got through and on reflection I’m reminded, when we put our mind to something, we can achieve things we didn’t think possible.
For some people mental toughness is climbing a mountain, for others it’s getting out of bed in the morning. Everyone faces different challenges and fears at different stages in life, all are relevant and important.
Reflecting back on 2023, I’m sure, like me, you can recall some adversity you overcame. Through these challenges you have grown as a person, increased your resilience and developed your character.
In the words of the Stoic philosopher Epictetus, “Train my mind to adapt to any circumstance.” This is what our practice does for us – we develop mental toughness.
For today, embrace the journey, find your inner strength and realise what you are truly capable of.