Yoga for Prana

Yoga Classes and Retreats in Braidwood & Bungendore

Melt away the stress of the day...

yoga classes bungendore

Yoga Classes

Weekly yoga classes in Braidwood and Bungendore. Each class is unique and varies in style of movement, breathing practices, meditation and relaxation.
The essence is connection within.

welcome weekend yoga retreat

Yoga workshops

I run half day workshops in Braidwood and Bungendore NSW. Each month we explore a different topic through movement, breathing techniques, relaxation, meditation and enjoy a morning tea or evening meal.

murrah dream retreat

Yoga Retreats

From half day workshops to weekend immersions. I offer an array of yoga retreats to suit every body and budget! Together we explore different topics & traditions to deepen & enhance our practice of yoga.

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Welcome to Yoga for Prana

Wonderful to have you here!

My name is Christina, I’ve been teaching yoga since 2008. This ancient practice goes far beyond the physical, having the power to effect every single aspect of life – physically, mentally and emotionally and spiritually. Full of enriching wisdom, providing tools to ride the ebbs and flow of life. My duty as a teacher is to share the gifts yoga has to offer, to give opportunities for you to connect to your Truth and uncover your holistic wellbeing.

yoga teacher christina

Kind words from my students...

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