Collection of Yoga Nidras

This collection of yoga nidra practices are between 25-30 minutes in duration.

If you are wanting to just play the recording click on this folder.
By clicking on the images below the yoga nidra will be downloaded in an mP3 format to your device.

Autumn Yoga Nidra
Busy Street Nidra
Chakras Yoga Nidra
Droplet of Water Nidra
Emotional Release Nidra
Feathers Yoga Nidra
Forest Yoga Nidra
Garden Within Nidra
Healing Yoga Nidra
New Moon Yoga Nidra
Rainbow Yoga Nidra
Setting Sail Nidra
Sleigh Ride Nidra
So Hum Yoga Nidra
Star Light Yoga Nidra
The Ocean Yoga Nidra
Unwind Yoga Nidra
Waterfall Yoga Nidra
Weave of Life Nidra
Unwiding River Nidra
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