April 2024 Newsletter

We all know change is inevitable.

A tree does not try to stop its leaves from falling, clinging to each one in hope it stays connected, nor does the flower struggle against the opening of its petals to the sun as it blooms – it’s the cycle of life.

Sometimes we welcome change and sometimes we don’t.

Change can be exciting, fun, like a breath of fresh air, it can also be scary, daunting and shake us at the very core.

In an appointment with Maya’s pediatrician last week it was recommended Maya undergo various tests, assessments and change schools

My mind spiraled with all the different scenarios of what would and could be. John and I have been focusing our energy on specific dreams and goals and it looks like life may be taking us in a different direction.

Naturally my guard is up, clinging to the known, seeking security in what is and resisting what may be. Our brains are designed to find peace in knowing, so when uncertainty arises, so does fear, anxiety and worry.

The reality is, we never know how life will unfold. Instead of resisting I am ‘working on’ embracing  change and surprisingly when open to possibilities I experience ease.

For today, just as you embrace every unique breath, every heartbeat, embrace the moment for what it is, different, new and forever changing.

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