5 Love Languages – Bungendore


Sunday 16th Feb 5.30-8pm
There is more to love than romantic love. Love can take many forms, from platonic love toward family, friends, and pets, to one of the most important forms of love—self love.
The five love languages are five different ways of expressing and receiving love: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. Not everyone communicates love in the same way, and likewise, people have different ways they prefer to receive love.
This retreat was inspired by Gary Chapman, Ph.D. in his book The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, where he describes these five unique styles of communicating love.
We all may relate to most of these languages, but each of us has one that speaks to us the most.
In this retreat we will discover our primary love language, understand how we and others express love and enhance that heartfelt connection to ourselves and those around us.
Includes, movement through asana, breathing practices, meditation and a scrumptious dinner. $45 Venue – Bungendore School of Arts Centre
For more information call Christina on 0414 385 051
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